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Kids church is now online!

Did you know you can access our Kids Church lessons online?

Get the family together and follow this link to access our lesson for this week :grin:



Welcome to

Follow Central

This is our church database system which allows you to do some really cool things! 

1. You can access your rosters and 'accept' or 'decline' your allocation. 

2. You can access the member directory and find contact details of the church attendees

3. You can view the church calendar and see all the upcoming events and services we have running at Follow Church. 

4. You can edit your personal information including name, contact details, profile picture, departments, availability and login details. 


So, how do you get started?

If you don't already have your login details, please send an email to admin@follow.church requesting to have them sent to you. We will endeavour to send you your details as soon as possible, during business hours.

If you have any questions or require assistance using FollowCentral, please email admin@follow.church and we will do our best to help you out!